sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2008

Thank you all!Obrigada à todos!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

I'm here today to thank all the support you gave me today..It's really important how can one simple person(Suzanne) could brought so many people to my blog and leave some kind words to me, i'm glad of it..I think every word you all left me, i've been thinking of them before you telling me..I think Cid's a bit confused and believe me,he's so afraid of a real relationship with eye to eye,touching and all the issues which an effective relationship has that he hides himself through this strange kind of commitment,i don't think it's "really real"..Little by little i'm starting to smile again,very slowly,but i'm recovering hope on a better future for me..As i said on my last post,on monday i'm traveling to his city,Recife,which i've some relatives to visit and of course,take a time to relax,do some shopping( yes,i like it!),i'm not shopaholic(really don't know if this word exists!).The book i've bought to him?Don't know what to do with it,tomorrow i'll have a nice talk with his mother and i'll tell her my point of view about this mad history..Juliana,my best friend,told me today not to do this,to search for his mother,it'd would be worse coz she should defend her son instead of hearing my version..Don't know..I only could know this if i actually do this and i'm accepting all the risks of that attitude..Finally,i still have hope on a better future to me and of course,i wouldn't have enough words to thank you all for supporting me like this..All the best,always! XOXO Ludmila.

É,hoje o dia é de agradecimentos mesmo..Agradecer por mais um dia, por estar viva, pelo simples fato de estar respirando mas é claro, agradecer a uma pessoa que sequer conheço pessoalmente, mas que moveu mundos e fundos pra que outras pessoas deixassem palavras de apoio pra mim nesse momento meio complicado que tô passando:Suzanne...é uma pessoa que posso dizer de antemão que está sendo praticamente uma mãe mesmo pra mim,porque só mãe mesmo pra fazer o que ela tá fazendo por mim..Ainda dói muito tudo que to passando,sabe, mas só de receber todo esse apoio sinto que não estou sozinha e isso sim é muito bom...Segunda agora,dia 7, to indo pra Recife,sei nem como é que vai ser..Espero que corra tudo bem por lá..

Vou fazer o possível pra passear bem muito,ver os parentes,enfim, tentar "amenizar" isso ( como eu mesma falei pra ele) fazendo coisas legais..Ahh, falando em coisa legal, dia 12 é o show do Air Supply lá, to querendo muito ir!E também queria muito que Ed,o amigo que quase conheci no show de Scorpions ano passado,queria que ele fosse..Ele me ligou hoje de manhã e também concordou que essa loucura, essa utopia de relacionamento virtual,simplesmente não existe!É como o próprio nome diz..Virtual..e pára por aí!Mas, como no livro que ele mesmo me deu de aniversário, é preciso pensar positivamente e é assim que procuro agir..

Uma amiga minha chamada Lauda me disse via msn que o que ele me passou, essa mudança no modo de encarar a vida deve perdurar, mesmo que o que eu porventura esteja esperando não se concretize...Só espero que o tempo se encareegue de fazer ele enxergar que um relacionamento à dois de verdade é feito de convivência, olho no olho, toques,etc..Só pra finalizar,como diz a versão de "Reach" cantada por Gloria Estefan:"Eu vou tentar..Sempre..E acreditar que sou capaz..De levantar uma vez mais...".

7 comentários:

John Reynolds disse...

Hello Ludmilla,

I popped by to wish you a happy New Year, and am sorry to read about your romantic troubles. Stay strong, I'm sure things will work out for you.

Best wishes,

Shara disse...

Greetings Ludmilla,
Love in any form is worth the risk as long as you're prepared either way. Recently I've had to settle for a love relationship to change into a friends only relationship because of the distance between us. It was worth the stress of pushing the issue to have clear boundaries and thankfully we have decided to retain our connections by remaining friends. To never have experienced the strong emotions would have been far more tragic, I believe. Trust your own instincts,afterall, you'll be the only one to suffer the consequences in the end!
Hope for the future,

Kookaburra disse...

Hello Ludmila,
I am glad to know that you feel much better. Your relationship with Cid should be taken one day at a time.Your friend Juliana could be right. Be careful how you tell Cid's mother. I hope it all works out OK.

Kaneischa Johnson disse...

Ludmilla: Girl...I feel for you! The frustrations are limitless and the conflict of emotion is binding. But, just know that no matter how things turn out, this entire experience is so valuable to your growth and progression. You will be a stronger, wiser, and more confident woman. Best of love to you! Happy New every way possible!

Have an excellent weekend,

Anônimo disse...

hello dear... yaa i read about the details.... :) its nice to see u happy today.... things will get alright soon dear... hope he can see the real love u have for him :)
have a great day

Unknown disse...

You are so very welcome dear heart! Be brave...things will work out!

Suzanne disse...

I have tears in my eyes. To see so many of my dear friends here just as I'd hoped to support you. How brilliant is that sweetie?!

Love you,

O Sapato que te cabe...

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